Inspiration: Tempera at the San Francisco City Hall

With sweeping staircases, marble arches and gilded details, this is not your typically city hall wedding. Therefore the occasion calls for a not so typical city hall dress.

Enter Tempera. With its soft fitted bodice and romantic tulle draping, the gown is both modern and timeless. And paired with the lighting at the San Francisco City Hall, it gives off an ethereal glow that we wish we could bottle.

What makes these images especially magical are the details: the bride’s tulle shoes, the calligraphy ribbon bouquet, and the groom’s tux playing off the bride’s black velvet sash. As they say, it’s the little things!

Gown: Tempera


Lens: Jenny Soi

Makeup/Hair: @aimeeartistry

Planner: @jmkevents

Florals: @thelittleflowershop_

Shoes: @bellabelleshoes